Social Media Sizes
A free collection of the most popular social media sizes for graphics.
Share tool:
Find the official Twitter/X image sizes and dimensions.
One Image
2400 x 1350 px
Two Images
2800 x 3200 px
Cover Photo
2400 x 800 px
Open Graph
2400 x 1260 px
Find the official LinkedIn image sizes and dimensions.
1080 x 1080 px
Cover Photo (Business)
2256 x 382 px
Cover Photo (Personal)
1584 x 396 px
1080 x 1920 px
Find the official Instagram image sizes and dimensions.
Feed - Square
1080 x 1080 px
Feed - Portrait
1080 x 1350 px
1080 x 1920 px
1080 x 1920 px
Find the official Facebook image sizes and dimensions.
News Feed
1200 x 1200 px
1080 x 1920 px
Cover Photo
1660 x 624 px
Open Graph
2400 x 1260 px
Find the official Dribbble image sizes and dimensions.
2800 x 2100 px
Product Hunt
Find the official Product Hunt image sizes and dimensions.
2540 x 1520 px
240 x 240 px
Find the official YouTube image sizes and dimensions.
Profile Photo
800 x 800 px
Cover Photo
2560 x 1440 px
Video Thumbnail
1280 x 720 px
Find the official Pinterest image sizes and dimensions.
Profile Image
165 x 165 px
Board Cover Photo
800 x 450 px
Square Pin
1000 x 1000 px
Medium Pin (Optimal)
1000 x 1500 px
Long Pin
1000 x 2100 px
Play Store
Find the official Play Store image sizes and dimensions.
High-res Icon
512 x 512 px
Feature Graphic
1024 x 500 px
Screenshots 5"
1080 x 1920 px
Screenshots 6"
1440 x 2880 px
App Store
Find the official App Store image sizes and dimensions.
iPhone 15 Pro Max (6.7-inch)
1284 x 2778 px
iPhone 14 Plus (6.5-inch)
1242 x 2688 px
iPhone 14 Pro (6.1 inch)
1179 x 2556 px
iPhone 14 (5.8 inch)
1170 x 2532 px
iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
2048 x 2732 px
2880 x 1800 px
Apple Watch Ultra
410 x 502 px
Apple Watch Series 7, 8, 9
396 x 484 px
Find the official Notion image sizes and dimensions.
Cover Image
1500 x 600 px
Find the official TikTok image sizes and dimensions.
Profile Picture
720 x 720 px
Video Size
1080 x 1920 px
Image Ads
1200 x 628 px
Square Ads
640 x 640 px
Find the official Bluesky image sizes and dimensions.
2400 x 1400 px
2000 x 600 px
Cover (Mobile)
1170 x 450 px
Frequently Asked Questions
How to find the correct sizes for social media image posts?
The Social Media Sizes tool helps you find the best post sizes & dimension for the most popular social media platforms.
All the social media sizes are updated ofter so you can be sure your social media post dimensions are up-to-date.Why should I use the correct social media image sizes?
Social media platforms always display your images & videos on fixed ratio.
It's important to follow their size guidelines because you need to be 100% sure your images are displayed correctly.
Otherwise, your images will be automatically cropped and they might miss important information, even you CTA.Which platforms do you support?
The Social Media Sizes tool displays all the media sizes for the most popular platforms including:
‧Twitter/X ‧ LinkedIn ‧ Instagram ‧ Facebook ‧ Dribbble ‧ Product Hunt ‧ YouTube ‧ Pinterest ‧ Play Store ‧ App Store ‧ Notion ‧ TikTok ‧ Bluesky